Malga Privacy Policy


The following Privacy Policy is applicable to all relevant products, website and services that are offered by Malga Ltd. (Malga) and all interrelated and affiliated companies. Occasionally, Malga might post specified Help Center information or product privacy notices in order to help consumers understand the products in more detail.


Use of the Information Collected by Malga and the Form of Such Usage


Malga can gather the following types of information:

1. The Information Provided by the User

After having signed up with Malga for the services provides, the user may be asked to provide personal information. The information submitted is combined by Malga through the users account, in addition to any information taken from alternate Malga services with the intention of providing better quality service for Malga users. When considering specific services provided by Malga, consumers may have the choice as to whether they would like to combine such information.


2. Use of Cookies

After you have logged onto a Malga provided service, one or more cookies are to the users host computer or device used to log on to Malga services. These cookies are used to validate all interactions (these interactions include, without limitation, storing user preferences) in order to provide better quality service by Malga as well as track patterns in consumers reactions.


3. Login Information

After logging onto a Malga provided service through a given internet browser another customer application, the services provided by Malga are programmed to automatically record specific types of information. The mentioned record of information includes, without limitation, information such as all interactions with a service IPA (Internet Protocol Address), chosen internet browser, the specific date and time of your given request, and the language of the selected internet browser.


4. User Communications

When Malga receives an email or any other form of communication from user, Malga may keep hold of such attempted communications in order to process and respond to such inquiries for the purpose of improving the provided services. After a transaction occurs through the sending or receiving of an SMS from a Malga provided service, Malga may store specific details taken from the SMS message transaction such as, without limitation, the wireless carrier associated with the phone number, the phone number, the content of the messages, and the exact moment of the transaction. Additionally, Malga may use a users email account to communicate with said user directly.


5. Affiliated Malga Service on Other Sites

Few of Malgas provided services are offered on websites. The personal information that a user provides to such affiliated websites may be sent directly to Malga where the information is filed and stored under this Privacy Policy.


6. Third Party Applications

Third party applications, including, without limitation, gadgets extensions, can be offered through Malgas services. All information gathered by Malga services when enabling a third party application is stored and filed under this Privacy Policy. However, information that is collected by the third party application provider shall be governed by their privacy policies (the third party).